Also, it's hard enough coming up with something clever for five titles. But 10? I'm just not that smart.
So here's what we've tentatively got--with acknowledgment where applicable, and what we don't. If anyone has any other suggestions please, PLEASE, chime in!
Avatar - Ava-tar-tar
The Blind Side - The Blind Side-Salad
District 9 - Prawns. Of course.
An Education - NO IDEA!
The Hurt Locker - Maybe some kind of chocolate bomb dessert?
Inglorius Basterds - Strudel and milk.
Precious - A cocktail based on a gin called Sapphire. (I think Chuck came up with that one.)
A Serious Man - I like the "Serious Manwich" idea in theory, but don't think I'd like to eat one. Perhaps something kosher instead?
Up - Fuck it. We'll inflate some balloons.
Up In the Air - A bag of peanuts and a non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. (My dad came up with that one.)
I'm sure someone out there can do better. Spill it!
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