Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sure....Dolls Are Fun...

A week ago I was talking with a mom about Barbie dolls and whether she'd try to keep them away from her daughter once she got to the doll-playing age. Indeed there are issues with all things Barbie, especially surrounding body image, and it reminded me that as a kid I had what I thought was a Barbie-brand doll that had skin that would tan if you left her in the sun. Awesome! Teach girls that they should be impossibly skinny AND lay out in the sun for hours at a time!

But damn I loved that doll. I researched and found out it wasn't a Barbie, but some kind of knock off called the Tuesday Taylor doll. Here's an early commercial featuring her sister Dodi (!). Try repeating the last line the narrator says ten times fast...

I think there were far worse things than Barbie that screwed up my self-esteem as a youth, but I do think this Barbie commercial is, for some reason, incredibly creepy--even with the presence of Marcia Brady herself--and would most likely have given me nightmares if I ever watched it as a kid.

1 comment:

rachael said...

when the two girls are in the boat? it looks like one girl lashes out and punches the other. i guess she's throwing bread to a duck or something, but damn thats subliminal girl power! also, i think i saw tiny cindy brady there at the end too.