Thursday, September 23, 2004

Remember the Good Old Days...

When you could come home from school, pour yourself a bowl of cereal, plop in front of the TV set, and learn about the horrors of marijuana and angel dust? I sure do. So I am SO excited about this. [link via freakgirl]


rachael said...

dear lord, its about time. i will watch them all back to BACK...especially the one called 'duffy moon' or something. i'm still eating the cereal, but the 'specials have been missing all these years.

Rain said...

Which one was Duffy Moon?

I have fond memories of the one featuring Helen Hunt jumping out of a window after smoking angel dust. And I have a vague memory of one that was about drinking, and there was a scene on a lake? A kid gets drunk and then goes out fishing or something? I don't know but they were all awesome.

rachael said...

duffy moon was an A.S.S [yeah!] character who had magical powers and was played by the pre-teen heart throb who went on to play the air-hockey slaying, dirtbike riding, cig smoking 'star of the team' outlaw on the bad news bears. i never got to watch the rest of D.M. cos my mom angrily hustled me out the door mid-show for some reason or other [yeah i know--boohoo], i have always wondered how it ended!