Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm not sure if I'll be doing any blogging tomorrow, so in case I don't here's an early "Happy Thanksgiving!" from me. It's a short film from the 1950s, that's earnest and only slightly amusing.

Man, how I wish it was accompanied by commentary from the MST3K lads. In fact, I miss those guys a lot, especially around Thanksgiving. I remember when Comedy Central used to air 24 hours of "MST3K" episodes as a Thanksgiving "turkey" marathon. Those were the days...


Anonymous said...

happy thanksgiving!

holy crap, i remember that hellmans commercial from my 70s childhood. The baby is terrified when handed off into the talonlike arms of great-grandmother.
I mean, I'm sure g.grandma is nice and all, but that baby looks so freaked out!

Rain said...

Happy day-after-Thanksgiving to you!

Ha ha! I never saw that commercial as a kid, but maybe that's because on this coast, "Hellmann's" mayo is called "Best Foods." I always wondered why that is...