Wednesday, December 31, 2008

November Round-Up

I'm going to have to rush this out if I want to post it before the New Year, so here goes...

Movies Seen:
Fourteen, with, shocker, none in a theater. None of them were very good. "Get Smart" was better than I thought it would be, as was "Kit Kittredge: An American Girl" (shut up!). I got no enjoyment from "Paranoid Park," or "Fred Claus," (but that kind of goes without saying for the latter).

Books Read: Or make that "Book Read" as once again I only made it through one. And I am ashamed to say that single book was "Here's the Story," Maureen "Marcia Brady" McCormick's autobiography! Key take-away from that tale: She did a LOT of blow.

Fancy Dinners Out: One, once again at the poorly-named RNM. I was a little soused by the time our meal arrived, but I remember really, really liking the mac-n-cheese, and also enjoying some pate, and I usually hate pate.

Live Shows Seen:
None. Unless you count the 20 minutes I spent watching a choir sing some carols during the Huntington Park tree-lighting ceremony.

Shoes Bought:
None. Fears of impending job loss are to be blamed for this, as well as for the lack of dining-out. I'm happy to say I still have a job (For now. Knock on wood!) but the fear of spending is still kind of clinging to me. Except when it came to Christmas presents. But that's for next month's Round-Up.

Happy New Year!

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