Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Turns Out It Wasn't Even an ORIGINAL Crappy Idea

Looks like there's another shocking twist to M. Night Shmalamadingdong's (thanks to R.S. for his new official moniker!) "The Village."

Aside from it sucking.


Jeff H. said...

Rod Serling would have taken a half hour to tell the same story (minus time for commercial breaks). In fact, I think he already did...wasn't there a "Twilight Zone" episode with the same premise?

Rain said...

I think it's similar to the episode called A Hundred Yards Over the Rim.

Yeah. Serling could have done it better. And even though I've greated many a twist at the end of a "Zone" episode with a groan, at least it was free, and only took about 20 minutes to produce an eye-role.