Tuesday, October 12, 2004

In the End, Aren't We All Losers?

I have been pretty successful in curbing my addiction to reality TV. The Bachelor has been banished from my TiVo Season Pass list, and I hardly pay attention to Survivor since the guy team continues to vote off all the hotties. But I'm finding it hard to resist NBC's latest foray into the genre: Fatties Fighting to Get Fit, also known as The Biggest Loser. Such a simple premise, it makes you slap your head and say: "Why didn't I think of that?....Mmmmmm....Fattening."


rachael said...

i'm still tuning into the bach. as i am semi-curious about the crazy lady with the flower behind her ear. its mostly being fast forwarded through though and once shes kicked out, it is OVER mr. "pulling up to the dock" guy.

Rain said...

Is crazy lady with the flower Mary from the Bachelor Bob season? because she was very crazy. And her returning to the show AGAIN just proves that!