Last week's episode was wrenching. And even as it copped to the biggest cliches in the book (reverting to slow-mo and a playing a folksy, mournful song on the soundtrack as a tragedy played out) I have to admit, it worked. I cried my eyes out (and I immediately went and downloaded the song from iTunes.)
I think dropping tragedy-after-tragedy on the show's characters is the writers' attempt to justify loading the show with assholes. I suppose continuing to watch a show wherein all of the characters continue to be sexist, homophobic, racist jerks, and pay no price for their behavior, might get a little hard to take after a while. But it would probably be truer to life than "Rescue Me" is.
But then again, we're talking about a show where the main guy sees and talks to dead people, so I guess reality isn't what they're going for. Instead, it's all about those operatic highs and lows. Fighting those huge flames, and then going back to the banality of daily life.
I still think it's one of the best dramas on TV. And I'd miss it a lot more if "Nip/Tuck" wasn't coming back next week. Woo!
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