But their pants, man. They KILL me. Yesterday, I went and tried on EIGHT pairs of work-suitable pants. I wanted something classic. Something a woman in the 1940s might have worn. The whole Katherine Hepburn in pants thing.
But Katherine Hepburn never wore pants that for some inexplicable reason, were tapered at the KNEE and then slightly flared the rest of the way down. This isn't a good look, people. It automatically makes you look like you're knock-kneed. Pinstripe pants shouldn't be cut like flared jeans. They should be straight legged, which is to say, the leg should be the same width from thigh to ankle.
EVERY pair I tried on yesterday had the tapered knee thing going on. And every pair looked like crap. And half of them were the ridiculous low-waist cut, as well. I understand the desire to not have the waist of your pants hitting right below your boobs, but that doesn't mean your ass crack has to show, either. It's a WAISTLINE. Why not have the waist of ones pants actually sit there?
So I left without a pair of pants. But I did get a nice skirt. So far, they haven't screwed up the basic concept of a "skirt."
Though I'm sure they're trying.
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