Thanks to NBC11, I was able to avoid the massive line that stretched from the Orpheum Theater to, apparently, the Ferry Building (or so it seemed) and instead just had to stand around in the "V.I.P" area of the theater for an hour. An area that had a bar that was, alas, closed, although it was fully stocked, and just sitting there, taunting us. The seats for this particular group of V.I.P.s were on the mezzanine level which, while not the floor, were still pretty good and allowed full view of the action.
It was a tight show, and it's always amusing to see what goes on when it's commercial time. The band plays, lots of people wander around the stage, and Conan just kind of mills about, at least when he didn't have Dana Carvey sitting next to him. They had some technical difficulties with the fake San Francisco backdrop (which was a video image of the skyline) so it will be interesting to see how they cover that, if at all, in tonight's broadcast. I won't give away too much about the show, but there's a pretty funny video bit taken around the City, as well as a little cameo as featured in the above picture. You can guess the joke...
Hopefully I'll be able to attend Friday's taping, which would be great--taking in both the opening and closing night shows, how very circular. I'll keep you posted. And if you want to freeze your TiVos and look for me in the crowd shots, like I said, I'm on the mezzanine level, in the middle, wearing a red sweatshirt. And a rainbow wig.
Photo copyright 2007/Dana Edelson/NBC
VIP, bitches!!!!
Hellz yeah!
One thing I noticed in watching the broadcast that I couldn't hear while there was during the "Banter" sketch, when Conan and Max were talking about the local freeways, they kept saying "the 580" or "the 880." That's a So Cal thing, isn't it? No one here refers to freeways as "the 101" or "the 280." It's just "take 280 to 101" etc...
Unless your my Dad, of course.
J/K! Love you, Dad!
it might very well be a southern cal thing, i've not noticed but will henceforth attune. sometimes a southern u.s. speech thing is the dropping of the 'the' and the pluralizing/possessivizing of names, ex: 'the warfield' would be 'warfields', slims would become 'slimses', et cetera. ha!
That's another thing my Pa does, with the adding of the 's' to things. Then again, he did spend much of his youth in the South, so maybe that's it.
And I should really refrain from criticizing other people's language skills when I couldn't even get "you're" correct in my last comment.
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