Quick! If you didn't watch the Letterman show last night, go over to their
Web site and click on the show highlight featuring Garry Shandling. He has had some of the worst plastic surgery I've ever seen. It even looks like he has trouble opening his mouth wide enough to speak.
What is wrong with these people?!
Holy freaking shit, Rain, you are freaking me out with that thing!
Thanks for posting this. I was describing to my friend how unwatchable Letterman was with Garry. I saw Garry in Vegas when he was Joan Rivers opening act back in the early 80s - he was so funny. He hung around the hotel after the show, no one bothered him because no one knew who he was. Not the most attractive guy but what happened!!! Even as a Barry M. fan (not a stranger to PS), Garry went too far!!!
The man is a freak. It blows me away how much plastic surgery celebs get and are STILL getting. One look at this guy would change my mind immediatly!
Folks, I don't think it is Plastic Surgery at all. I just saw him on "Green Room with Paul Provenza" (fantastic show, by the way). i think he is ill. Look @ his hands, they are swollen as much as his face.
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