Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Belated Bloggy Birthday!

It totally slipped my mind, probably because I was still coming down from Comic-Con, but this blog turned three on July 31st!

Three? Only three? It feels like I have been doing this so much longer than that. Freaky.

For those feeling nostalgic, here's that first day of posts, from an ancient time before Flickr, YouTube, and easy image uploading.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rain! I do so enjoy reading your blog when I get to work in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Has it really been three ?...for you it seems like forever, but for me it's like yesterday...but however long, I hope there's a fourth, a fifth and many, many more...HAPPY BLOGDAY RAIN !!!

Jess Hutch said...

Happy blogday to yoooooo
Happy blogday to yoooooo
Chocoooolate raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain,
Happy blogday to yoooooo