Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I Have a Colt...I'm a Little Horse

I have a cold. A COLD! It sucks. I don't feel lousy enough to warrant crawling under the covers and sleeping for the next three days, just bad enough that everything I do feels like a chore. Man. I hate colds. The worst part is I always end up with a lingering cough that lasts for months. In fact, I think I was JUST getting rid of the cough from my last cold.

Oh well. It being Tuesday I was going to comment on "Rescue Me," and its very controversial "was it rape?" scene from last week, but I haven't the strength. Instead I will just direct you to many of the articles that have swept the Internets since the show aired.

What's Alan Watching? discusses the episode: "Raping the shark"

The Chicago Tribune's take

Philadelphia Daily News' Ellen Gray "'Rescue Me' has a problem with women"

The Boston Globe: "An amazing 'Rescue Me'"

Writer Peter Tolan makes the mistake of trying to explain the episode on the Television Without Pity Forums...

...and then talks about that mistake with the Los Angeles Time

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