Movies Seen: Thirteen, with one in a theater. The one in a theater was "Burn After Reading," and I was pretty disappointed in it. Of course, more than once I've not liked a Coen Brothers movie on initial viewing, only to love it after seeing it again ("The Big Lebowski" and "O Brother Where Art Thou?" come immediately to mind), so my opinion of this might change if I ever see it again. And the only reason I would want to see it again is for the scenes with J.K. Simmons, as those scenes were easily the funniest and most enjoyable in a movie that's really kind of...depressing. It's also well-trod subject matter for the Coens--not just in a thematic sense, but in terms of plot--and I'd really like to see them move on from this in movies ahead.
As for the DVDs viewed, I really liked "Leatherheads" a lot, and really didn't like "Speed Racer."
Books Read: A measly one. Not sure why. I did start several, but couldn't seem to finish them. I also started to re-read "Lolita," which I tend to do every few years. It's still my favorite book, but I decided to kind of savor it this time, and am reading just a few chapters every month. As for the one book I did finish, it was "Everybody Into the Pool" by Beth Lisick, and it was very funny. The end.
Fancy Dinners Out: Really only one, at Steakhouse 55 at the Disneyland Hotel. Meeeeaaaaatttt!
Live Shows Seen: None, but as I mentioned, I did go to Disneyland, and that's always a show.
Shoes Bought: Shockingly, I think it's none!