But wow. It's already March 6th, and I haven't gotten around to this yet. This weekend was crazy, with the nerd convention and writing about said convention, coupled with other bloggy commitments. So busy doing things to add to this month's list, that I haven't been able to get to last month's list. Let me do that now.
Movies Seen: Fourteen, with two in a theater. I was hoping to get more theater time, but there just weren't enough free weekends. And, disappointingly, it doesn't look like there's much of anything I really want to see coming out in March (aside from "Zodiac" which I've already seen. But that counts towards March's totals). I'd say my favorite film of the past month has been "Marie Antoinette," with "Stranger Than Fiction" coming in a close second.
Books Read: Three. Definitely a slower month than January in that department, but they were all pretty long! I have to say I've been enjoying reading a lot more recently. For most of 2006, reading seemed more like a chore than something I'd do for fun. And I don't think it was just that I was reading crappy books; I read a lot of great ones last year. But for some reason, I've just enjoyed reading more this year. I always read when I go to bed, and sometimes I last about 10 minutes before I fall asleep, but on other nights I've ended up reading for three hours. There must be something about it I'm liking. The books have been good, so that helps. I finally finished Sean Wilsey's "Oh the Glory of It All," along with "The Priest" by Thomas M. Disch--a Christmas gift from my father--and Stephen King's "On Writing," which has been sitting on my "to read" shelf for a couple of years now.
Fancy Dinners Out: Two, and one of those was at Disneyland, which leads to the next category-
Amusement Parks Visited: Two, (if you count Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure as two parks). And it was a blast.
Live Shows Seen: None. Oh well.
Shoes Bought: One pair. Kind of. I traded in a pair that were a gift for a pair of shiny black Wellingtons. They've come in handy during the rainy days of late, although they have an icky rubber smell that makes me a little lightheaded if I leave them out and don't put them in a box in my closet. Do you think that's bad?
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