On the sorta lame side, the revelation of how he was actually paralyzed, although at this point I think anything would have been a dissapointment; we've been waiting three years for the answer. I just never thought it would be as simple as him being thrown out a window by his father. Which of course isn't exactly "simple," but in the world of "Lost" it kind of is. Also, I sure hope that box Ben spoke of is a metaphorical one, and not some actual giant magic box guarded by David Blaine.
I appreciated the answer to a lot of little questions this episode; that, indeed, the Others could come and go as they pleased, at least at some point. That Locke's dad is the original Sawyer. And some others that I'm too tired to remember. However, I hope this concentration on smaller questions doesn't mean they'll lose focus on the bigger questions, including: WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH THOSE DUDES IN THE ANTARCTIC?
No, it wasn't stated directly, but if he isn't it will be pretty lame. He's the man from Tallahassee. Sawyer has ties to Tallahassee. The dude's a con man, just like the one that ruined Sawyer's parents' lives....
And, if you really want to stretch it, apparently, his two names, "Anthony Cooper, Adam Seward" is an anagram for "Sawyer, the con man, a poor dad."
Come on! When he went flying out that window, it was awesome. I tivoed back three times! That is one awesome dad.
What's with the code names for Jack and Juliet? Didn't Ben call them something funny?
I don't remember any code names...when did he say them? He didn't call them anything weird during the one scene he had with them, and when Tom mentions them to Ben, he refers to them as Shepard and Juliet...
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