Monday, December 19, 2005

Raised Eyebrows

Last week's mention of "Cheaters" compelled me to check out the show again. TiVo must have sensed this desire because it decided to record an episode for me yesterday. One of the stories was from this young lady, who suspected her boyfriend was...yes...cheating on her.

Now, I can't do an actual screencap of the show, so I took this photo of my TV because I just HAD to share the image of this woman's eyebrows with someone. The photo doesn't do them justice (click on it for a bigger view), but I think you get the general idea.

Now, I understand that eyebrow-waxing accidents happen. And if something like that should happen to you, you'd probably do your best to camouflage the mistake, and I think any attempt would probably look...fake.


I have the feeling this was a conscious choice on this woman's part. Why anyone would CHOOSE to paint their eyebrows to look like a bad version of Divine is beyond me. But all I could think was, if this woman is really confused about why her boyfriend might cheat on her, well....I think the answer is right in front of above her eyes.

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