If you read my blog regularly, you know this post is a post of lies. It's not actually December 31st, and this round-up is actually showing up months late. Well, sorry. SORRY! Christmas and all that made life kinda crazy, and I am only now really able to catch up on my blogging duties. So let's just pretend. AGAIN!
Movies Seen: Six, with one in a theater. That one was Skyfall. Here's my review!
Books Read: One! Just one goddamn book, and it was The Twelve, the sequel to The Passage. Now, I loved The Passage. LOVED IT. I read it in just a few days, and it's a monster of a book. But the sequel? It was a damn chore to get through, and I can't really pinpoint why. I will say the biggest problem I had was trying to keep track of all the characters. I never really did, and it wasn't till I was about 50 pages away from the end that I discovered there's a damn character guide in the back of the book. AAARGH!
Fancy Dinners Out: One, and that was during a trip to Disneyland, at the always fun Steakhouse 55. I had steak!
Live Shows Seen: None, though Disneyland is always a show.
Shoes Bought: One pair, these vintage gold pumps, which I had been eying on eBay for a while, and got for half off the asking price after making an offer.
Movies Seen: Six, with one in a theater. That one was Skyfall. Here's my review!
Books Read: One! Just one goddamn book, and it was The Twelve, the sequel to The Passage. Now, I loved The Passage. LOVED IT. I read it in just a few days, and it's a monster of a book. But the sequel? It was a damn chore to get through, and I can't really pinpoint why. I will say the biggest problem I had was trying to keep track of all the characters. I never really did, and it wasn't till I was about 50 pages away from the end that I discovered there's a damn character guide in the back of the book. AAARGH!
Fancy Dinners Out: One, and that was during a trip to Disneyland, at the always fun Steakhouse 55. I had steak!
Live Shows Seen: None, though Disneyland is always a show.
Shoes Bought: One pair, these vintage gold pumps, which I had been eying on eBay for a while, and got for half off the asking price after making an offer.