Welcome everyone to what is both the 17th year of taking part in the blog based Countdown to Halloween, and the official TWENTIETH year of this here blog. I think that means this is my blog's platinum year? Is that right? In any case, I will accept any platinum gifts you wish to bestow on me to celebrate.
I don't necessarily recommend delving that far back into the archives, as some of those posts are pretty pathetic, but I'll admit I also find some of them kind of charming. After all, this was before Facebook and Twitter, where shouting opinions into the void wouldn't lead to the possible downfall of democracy.
But I digress! The coming month is not about real life potential horrors, and is instead about fictional cinematic horrors! For the next 31 days I will post about 31 new-to-me horror movies. I always try to make the selection a mix of both old and new, and I also try to get some international features in there as well. Their only commonality is that I, to the best of my knowledge, haven't seen any of them before. I will admit in past years I have accidentally posted a few movies that ended up being repeat viewings just because I completely forgot about seeing them before (the benefit of age related memory loss??) but that's less likely to happen now since I have (almost) all of my movie watching dating back to 1982 logged on Letterboxd.
As always, a huge thank you for joining me this year, and in years past, and please be sure to check out some of the other blogs that are partaking in the Countdown! You can find a full list on right sidebar of the official site.
Bring on spooky season, and some spooky movie viewing!