Movies Seen: Seventeen, with five in a theater. I reviewed a bunch of those movies, so if you want to know what I thought of the following, click on through!
Your Highness
Scream 4
Stake Land
Meek's Cutoff
Miss Representation
Fast Five
The Selling
Books Read: Four books, and three trade comics. Follow links to read reviews, where applicable.
"Zombie Spaceship Wasteland" by Patton Oswalt.
"Faithful Place" by Tana French.
"Stephen King's N."
"Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer.
"The Walking Dead – Vol. 1 and 2" by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore.
"Bossypants" by Tina Fey.
Fancy Dinners Out: None!
Live Shows Seen: Technically, none, but I did go to WonderCon for all three days of its ridiculousness.
Shoes Bought: None!
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