Sunday, October 13, 2024

Musty TV's Maniacal Movie Countdown - Day 13: In A Violent Nature (2024)

In a Violent Nature is soooo close to doing something truly original, but to be that truly original film, it would likely end up being one hardly anyone would sit through. As it is, I imagine there are plenty of people who won't sit through it. 

The movie follows the rise of a vengeful killer as he aims to find the necklace that was taken from his woodsy gravesite. And when I say follows, I mean that literally. A good portion of the movie is just following this killer through the woods as he walks from victim to victim.

And that's where I think the movie chickens out a bit. I wanted more real time walking, with fewer edits in his journey. And while that probably sounds nuts, I just felt like the amount of walking in the current film is both too much for the average viewer (I will admit, I dozed off once, and had to rewind a good ten minutes to see what I had missed), but not enough to feel truly transgressive.

What we get between the walking are the ill-fated campers who will eventually meet their dooms, and the kills, which are extremely violent. I'm not sure if it was the actors, the dialogue, or a combination of the two, but the scenes with those campers aren't great, which also had me wishing there was more walking and less talking.

So, while I did appreciate a lot of what the movie tried to do, for me, it didn't really live up to the hype that surrounded it.

In a Violent Nature is currently streaming on Shudder.

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