I heard a bunny scream today. I was having lunch in South Park amongst the hipsters and dogs, and one girl was getting ready to sit down in the grass with her pet bunny, which she had on a halter leash. A big fluffy dog, not on a leash, caught site of the critter and came bounding over. The bunny freaked out, and got the leash tangled around its neck, and began to frantically try and hop away. Because the leash was around its neck, the girl couldn't just lift the leash and the bunny off the ground, so she was trying to grab the bunny as it continued to hop madly, the dog chasing it, and spinning the girl in circles. She yelled at the dog to stop it, but he was having none of it. Then the rabbit started screaming. I didn't know rabbits could scream! It was really...creepy.
The dog, needless to say, was loving it.
This went on way too long before the dog's owner finally came over and got the dog under control. She offered no apology to the bunny or the bunny's owner as she sat on the grass clutching the terrified critter. It was really sad! I went over and asked if the bunny was OK, and the girl said it was fine, just scared, and that she had never heard it scream like that before, either.
Leashes, people! They aren't just for bunnies! If the park is not a leash-free park, it's not a leash-free park! How simple can you get?
omg, though this is tragic...it is also made me laugh...hard! oh poor bunny...
in south park, no one can hear you scream...
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