Movies Seen: Eleven, with none in a theater (unless you count the RiffTrax presentation of "Over the Top.") Kind of pathetic. The beginning of summer blockbuster time, and I still couldn't drag my lazy ass to the movies. Oh well. There's still July. As for the movies I did see, I guess the best was probably the documentary "Deliver Us From Evil," even though it was pretty freaking depressing.
Books Read: Two, and one of those doesn't even really count as a book. I just read it because it was written by a reality TV star. I know. I'm pathetic. And the other, "Eat, Pray, Love" was a tad on the self-indulgent side (and I think the author would be the first to admit that; maybe). But it did teach me a few things I did not know about Italy and Indonesia. Like, did you ever think about how Italian is really only spoken in one major country? And did you know many Balinese are named for their birth order? So there are a lot people named Wayan (First), Made (Second), Nyoman (Third), and Ketut (Fourth) over there.
Fancy Dinners Out: One. Kind of. Le Petit Robert isn't that fancy, but it's fancier than a taqueria or Chinese take-out, so it's in.
Live Shows Seen: Once again, does the RiffTrax show count?
Shoes Bought: NONE!
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