While sitting in the cat clinic, I read Cat Fancy magazine, of course, and they had photos from their "oldest cat" contest. The winner was 36.
Thirty-six! That's a year younger than me! Astounding, and slightly unbelievable. Today I did a little research and found some folks on Catster were also doubting the claims. Then the cat's owner piped in and said it was all true. The cat's name is Baby and he's got a Catster profile. Here's a recent photo the owner took. Scruffy-looking, but not bad for an old man.
I bring this all up because I was having an IM conversation with a coworker who asked how my cat was doing, and how old she is. When I told him she's 17, he wrote back that I should put her to sleep; that's too old for a cat to live.
It's hard to tell over IM when someone is being jokey, but he didn't put the obvious smiley face after it, so I kind of took it seriously. I guess he was thinking she was having all kinds of medical problems and could barely get around or something, which isn't the case. Yes, she does have issues, but aside from those issues, she acts like a normal, somewhat lazy cat. I don't think anyone who meets her would ever guess she is as old as she is. But even if she WAS completely infirmed, I don't want to hear that I should put her to sleep. Even if it is the right thing to do.
She's gonna live to be 40, and that's all I have to say about it.
OMFG, indeed! What an awful thing to suggest, or even joke about, frankly. Cats are living older and older these days (although 36 is hard to believe - wow!). I hope Tori feels better soon!
Thanks! She seems to be doing a lot better today. The vet thinks it's just a UTI and should be fixed with antibiotics....knock on wood!
Clearly your friend doesn't know that pet cats do not die - they live FOREVER.
One of ours has had to go to the vet twice in the last few months, for fairly minor ailments, but it's still scary - what if something's really wrong this time? It caught me off guard how depressing it was, waiting to hear back on the tests. He had to have X-rays, too, which was kind of trippy - seeing inside your cat.
Here's to Tori's speedy recovery ...
Tori is aging well - she looks and seems much younger than 17.
She's a sweet little lady who deserves to live as long as she possibly can (like all of us!). Never mind what your coworker said - he's wrong.
ripley's once had claimed they had a cat that was...52 years old. But I do not recall how they knew that.
the story was that some guy go a cat as a child. and 52 years later HE STILL HAD THE CAT.
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