I learned a cool new way to decorate Easter eggs on yesterday's Martha show: Wrapping eggs in pieces of old silk neckties and then boiling them. The ink and pattern from the ties then transfer to the eggs. Pretty cool. You can see how they do it
here [video], or read instructions
In other Martha Stewart news, I just got a notice in the mail that her magazine "Kids" is ceasing publication. Poop! I don't have kids, but it was always full off good crafting ideas, something her regular magazine (and her TV show) are rather lacking in of late...
genius! i am so headed to out of the closet thrift tomorrow on a silk tie search, thanks for this handy tip.
Let me know how it turns out! I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to try it or not...
and be sure to wrap the eggs in an additional piece of cloth. Apparently that's important! And vinegar, that's also important. And don't boil in a metal pan!
Oh---so many steps! PAZ is just so much easier...
The only other Martha-inspired egg dying I've done is wrapping the eggs in onion skins. Yellow and red, not white, of course. Wrap the egg in skins, then cheese cloth, boil and voila! Some earthy-toned, marbelized eggs. Lurvly.
yeah, after watching the vid, i guess you can only do one at a time which is what throws me. i dont know where all these uber crafters GET all this time but i want some of it! it *is* an awesome idea though that could perhaps be repurposed on something less ephemeral than an easter egg.
According to the written instructions you can do more than one egg at a time. You just need to use more vinegar, and get a bigger pot!
well thats some good news! the written instructs are much less intimidating than the one off egg boiling video. i think i might try this if i have an enamel pot [ i think i do] and can find some 1.50 silk ties...i'll let you know how it goes if i do some.
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