Granted, she flopped horribly during the commercial, but if the judges had been there for the improv lessons with the Groundlings, they would have seen that Mollie Sue was actually quite funny. Jade? Not so much.
I wish I could say Mollie Sue was full of personality during the conference call, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. That probably had a lot to do with the lackluster questions (and I didn't ask any, so I blame myself, too) but aside from some discussion of who she thinks should win (Danielle) and her favorite contestants from past seasons (Elyse) there wasn't much dish. She did say that the producers pretty much cast her as the "boring one," and kept her in that role despite her having a fine personality, thank you very much.
So, another pretty girl leaves the season, and we're still left with Jade. NOT liking the way this is going!
Image courtesy UPN.
1 comment:
I wonder about that with reality shows with a competitive angle - what if the people who deserve to win aren't the same people who get ratings? Kind of makes the results seem suspect. I guess it's better to have good TV, though...?
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