Comparisons to "Buffy" are inevitable: a pretty blonde with supernatural powers must fight the forces of evil. Sound familiar? And it is indeed familiar, but not familiar enough to be called a rip-off (at least not at this point) but familiar enough to tap into my love of the spooky and the spunky (as in spunky heroines. Gah!) I love the setting in a creepy English castle that has become a private school (although I can't tell what kind of school it's supposed to be. The students all look older than teenagers, so perhaps it's a college?) Christina Cole, the actress who plays Cassie, the apparent heroine, keeps reminding me of Cherie Currie. I hope she breaks into a rendition of "Cherry Bomb" before the end of the series.
I'm not entirely clear just what the hell is going on, but it seems to involve some witches in the 1800s who are related to Cassie, and a demon or fallen angel or something, named Azazeal, who wants to bring the return of the Nephilim. Or something. Whatever it involves, it's creepy enough to keep me interested.
My only problem so far is the heroine isn't spunky enough. The true spunk can be found in her lesbian roommate, Thelma, who (SPOILER ALERT!) dies at the end of the premiere, but apparently comes back as a ghost for the remainder of the show.
I will definitely continue watching "Hex" Thursdays at 7pm. Looks to be a good bit of summer TV.
I wish I had BBC America. You get all the good shows!
Is the show on BBC America? If so, I'll have to watch. Anyway, I totally agree about Christina Cole being a ringer for Cherie Currie. In case you didn't know there's a movie about the Runaways being produced and a lot of us think CC2 would be perfect for the role of CC1.
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