Thursday, November 02, 2006

Perhaps the Rest of the "Lost" Cast Should Rely on Chauffeurs From Now On

Don't read this if you haven't watched the latest episode of "Lost" yet.

So, another Tailie with a moving violation bites the dust. I can't say I like it. What was the point of introducing the Tailies last season? To have more characters to kill off? And who's left now? Bernard? And we haven't seen him all season, have we?

Anyway, here's some explanation for the killing off of Mr. Eko. As tends to be the case, it had more to do with the desires of the actor, and less to do with the needs of the plot. I'm sad to see him go, because I thought he was one of the most interesting characters on the show, and personally, I didn't think his send-off was that great. First, it began with a hackneyed flashback of a flashback (which is, I think, a first for the show, and totally annoying because it was obviously put there for new or lazy viewers, which is something this show has managed to avoid doing in the past). And the new flashback stuff didn't tell us anything we didn't already know about Eko. Yeah, he had unresolved issues with his brother and his former life as a druglord. But didn't he already deal with that when he found the plane last season? The whole thing was redundant and unnecessary. And the smoke monster still makes no sense.

As for the whole Ben tumor thing. Again, what's so hard about just coming out and asking Jack to perform the surgery in the first place? They need to start telling us WHY the others insist on using coercion and torture to get what they want, because as it is now, it's confusing and just ends up being stupid.

Ben: I am going to break you down until you give in and perform this surgery!

Jack: Dude. I'll do it. No need for any torture.

Ben: NO! You have to WANT to save my life.

Jack: If you break down my free will, and coerce me into saving your life, how is that really me WANTING to do it?

Ben: Shut it! Juliet! Bring the tazer.

Next week better kick ass. That's all I'm saying.


Anonymous said...

I love the smoke monster! You are wrong to not like the smoke monster. At the beginning of last night's episode, I turned to Rachael and I said, I really want the smoke monster to come back. And it did!

So I think maybe that is the biggest secret to Lost: I am controlling the plot with my mind.

Rain said...

I didn't say I don't like the smoke monster, I just said it doesn't make sense. I just think at this point, three seasons in, they should start giving us some idea of what the hell it is.

I LOVED hearing that weird dinosaur-like roar again.

Rain said...

I think the smoke monster is too many things at this point. In season one Rousseau referred to it as a "security system," and it also tore down trees and gutted a pilot. And appeared to Locke as a beautiful light. And pulled him into a hole before Jack blew it up. And appeared to other Losties as manifestations of guilt.

That's a HELL of a security system.

And, again, I wouldn't really mind if it was all those things. I like the smoke monster. I just want some confirmation!