Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year, Yadda Yadda

I'm slowly pulling myself out of holiday vacation mode, but it ain't easy. I'm still a bit in shock that an entire year is over. How did that happen?

I got rid of my tree yesterday, and while that should normally make me sad, as it symbolizes the complete end of the Christmas season, it actually made me ecstatically happy. The thing was a sad dried shell of its former self, and it was taking up way too much room. It feels good to have my apartment back.

I thought about making some New Year's Resolutions, which is something I just never really got in to. Seems to me if you're gonna make some changes, you should do it as soon as possible, instead of holding off until the new year. (And you better add "quit procrastinating" to that list of resolutions while you're at it.)

But since everyone else is doing it, I figured I would, too. So here are three:

Drink More - I cut back on my drinking in '06 because of an ongoing headache issue I've had for a couple of years now. Booze was an obvious trigger, and I figured why risk it. And for the most part, the not drinking thing has been fine. But I think I've figured out my tolerance, and what to avoid drinking to avoid a killer headache, and I'll probably stick to an only-on-weekends plan. Here's to more drunken evenings in '07!

Go to the Movies More - I saw over 100 movies last year, but only saw about five of them in the theater. The rest were Netflixed. There are a lot of reasons NOT to go to the movies these days--ticket prices, lousy theaters, lousy movies, assholes sitting next to/behind/in front of you--and few reasons TO go; in fact, the only thing I can come up with is, well, the screen is bigger. But this past year I've noticed I saw very few movies I could actually say I loved, and I'm beginning to wonder whether that has anything to do with not seeing many in a theater. It's pretty easy to get distracted when you're watching a movie at home, whereas at a theater, you don't really have any option but to pay attention. So, I'm hoping to test out this theory by going to the movies a couple of times a month, at least...

Continue With the Working Out and Eating Right Thing - This isn't really a resolution as I started with it back in June. But I pretty much took a holiday from it for the months of November and December, and just want to get back into the habit. I don't imagine it being too difficult.

So there. Three pretty damned easy resolutions. I'm sure there's plenty more I should probably do, but I'll just have to deal with those as they come to mind.

I'll leave you with a glimpse of how I rang in the new year. Here's to 2007! I sure hope it's better than 2006!


Anonymous said...

Drink More? Wow, what a great resolution! Good luck with that.


Jess Hutch said...

Drink more with ME!

Chrissa said...

Awesome resolutions. I'm all for the positive, fun-enhancing resolutions as opposed to the punishing Puritan ones (unless you're into that sort of thing). I myself made a "drink more red wine" resolution one year. And you know what? It worked! :)

Happy new year, Rain!