Books Read: Six. That's a pretty good tally for one month, isn't it? That's more than one a week! Combine that with the number of movies I've watched, as well as endless hours of TV and you have proof that...I have no social life. No! You have proof that one can be addicted to television AND still read like all the hoity toity "I don't even OWN a TV" snobs do. So there.
And if you're interested in what I've been reading, just look down on the right of this here blog for a little Library Thing widget. I plan to keep it updated.
Movies Seen: Eleven. And that includes two seen in an actual theater, which means I have stuck to my New Year's resolution to see more movies outside of my living room. In the future I hope it will be more than two, but for a start, that's not bad. (For the record, those two flicks were "Pan's Labyrinth" which I was a little disappointed in. But then again, I fell asleep during part of it. That might be an indication that it was boring, or that I missed the really awesome parts. The other movie was "Children of Men," which was depressing, but also incredibly exciting at times, and oddly humorous. I liked it a lot.)
If you want to know what DVDs I've got at home, there's a Netflix widget down there on the right, below the book one. I love them widgets!
Fancy Dinners Out: Five. But that was mainly because of my birthday, and the whole Dine About Town thing wherein I could eat at a fancy restaurant and only pay $31.95 for the meal ($21.95 at lunch). I wish I could have taken more advantage of that, but it's probably better for my waistline that I didn't.
Live Shows Seen: Two. Kind of. Technically I can't include the New Year's Eve comedy show, but I will anyway. And the other was the Rifftrax show. I hope some band I like comes to town soon, because I haven't been to a concert in a while, and I'd like to.
Shoes Bought: Four pairs. But one was a gift.
So, there you have it. My life in a consumerist nutshell. Fascinating, yes?
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