Also, I am supposed to have the "gay" channel Logo, and even though it's listed on my line-up, I don't actually get the channel. AND--and I don't know how this is related quite yet--I was given two new channels a few weeks ago, "Retroplex" and "Indieplex," and then suddenly this week, they've disappeared.
Earlier this week while I was working at home I got a call from some Comcast shill trying to sell me their phone and Internet plan, and I kept saying I wasn't interested. Then she asked me if I was happy with my Comcast service--I imagine hoping that I would say yes, at which point she could say, "Well, imagine getting that same great service for two other things!"--and when I said actually, I am not at all pleased with my Comcast service, the phone went silent, and I thought she had hung up. She eventually stammered something about being sorry about that, and "I, uh, hope you are able to resolve the problems."
I haven't bothered calling them yet because I don't feel like losing half of my life to waiting on hold, but I think I will have to call soon since the Fall TV season is fast approaching!
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