Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I'm kind of surprised that Oliver Sone's "World Trade Center" is getting such good reviews. It's an Oliver Stone movie, starring Nicolas Cage fer cryin' out loud! Methinks many reviewers are mistaking the emotional reactions the film is bringing up in them as evidence of the film's greatness, instead of just emotions brought up by remembering the events of the day. Or maybe that's just me. I know I got a little teary-eyed when I watched the film's trailer, and I also know it had nothing to do with the movie, and everything to do with September 11th, 2001.

I have no plans to see the movie, although I might when it comes out on DVD. Personally, I think the only movie that "needed" to be made about 9/11 has already been made, and that's the Naudet brothers' amazing documentary "9/11" which aired on CBS six months after Sept. 11th, and repeated on the first anniversary. It's available on DVD, but I'm hoping someone will air it again for the fifth anniversary next month. The version that aired on CBS is available online, albeit in the usual crappy video quality of most online videos. You can watch it here.

For those who haven't heard about it, the two French brothers who made the film were making a documentary about a NYFD "probie" when September 11th came around. They caught on video the first plane hitting the tower, and one of the brothers followed the firefighters into the WTC, and he was there, camera rolling, when the first tower collapsed. And he caught it all on tape. Like I said, it's pretty extraordinary. If you are going to watch ANYTHING about 9/11 on this upcoming fifth anniversary, I really think this should be it.

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