Now, lest you think I am watching TV instead of working, I want to assure you that isn't the case. I am just so smart that I can do both at once. I can also read and listen to music, and sometimes even listen to music, read, AND sing at the same time. I'm brilliant. Oh, and it also helps having an awesome widescreen monitor here at work that allows me to have all the necessary windows open at once. In fact, I'd say I am MORE productive when I am able to watch something and work at the same time. I find it very hard to do just one thing at once. I'd much rather get something productive done along with my TV watching. That also goes into why I dig taking the shuttle into work; I am able to work AND commute at the same time. Sure beats sitting in a car, staring at the bumper in front of you, (or sitting on MUNI, staring at the bum in front of you).
But I digress. If you'd like to partake in this wonderful work habit, here are some helpful links.
ABC is only offering its dramas online at the moment, which is disappointing because I would love to be able to watch "The Bachelor" while at work. I can't bring myself to do it at home.
CBS seems to have most of its shows available the day after they air.
NBC only offers a handful of shows online.
The CW is lame and only has previews and clips, as far as I can tell.
And Fox looks to be Windows Media only, so screw them.
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