And that pull-back to reveal the town was on the island? I think I actually cheered out loud at that.
The rest of the episode didn't exactly pile on the answers, but I'm perfectly fine with the slow reveal. I have my suspicions that Kate might have been convinced to turn on Sawyer and Jack. She obviously struggled against something while wearing those cuffs--torture?--and she seemed pretty eager to take a bite out of that fish biscuit--guess she didn't partake in the civilized breakfast?
Obviously Jack and this Juliet woman are going to become an item. Her relationship with Ben was strained to begin with (a divorce? Or just a break-up?) and his willingness to let her die with Jack seemed to come a little too easy. But will Jack just play it up to get away?
And Sawyer. I'm thinking the kid that let him loose might have been a pawn. These Others are all about the experiments, and Jack, Sawyer, and Kate are nothing but lab rats.
These first six episodes are supposed to have a complete story arc, so perhaps it will end with an escape. But what happens after that? Do the Losties then set out to destroy the Others? Or do they join them?
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