But the thing is, I've not much to say. I do find myself angrier about the whole thing now than I was five years ago; angrier at the assholes who did it, and angrier at our country's asshole response. I'm also angry that I don't feel even a little bit safer than I did on September 12th, 2001. Also--and this kind of sends chills through me--when it happened, we had no idea how bad that day was going to get. People rushed into those buildings to help, and countless lives were saved because of that. But if it were to happen again, with all we know now, would help be so quick to respond? And really, could you blame anyone for hesitating?
On Friday I kind of got swept up into reading conspiracy theories which I, for the most part, think are a bunch of hooey. Then I went home and watched "United 93," (a movie I can't really recommend unless all you want from a movie-watching experience is to come out of it completely emotionally drained, with no real sense of catharsis or enlightenment). Then on Sunday I watched part of "9/11," along with "60 Minutes"'s coverage.
Needless to say, I think I've had my fill for a while.
But what I wouldn't give to go back to that morning--when I was sleeping in late because I was working at home, only to be woken up by a phone call from a friend telling me that the country was being attacked and the World Trade Centers were gone--and have that friend say, "Ha ha! Just kidding!"
...and to have that be true.
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